Saturday, March 28, 2009

slightly agoraphobic?

I am starting to wonder if I may be just a little bit agoraphobic. My world is getting smaller and smaller, by my choice, and if given the opportunity, I usually want to be home.
I realized this when I was getting my hair cut this morning. I went to a new hairdresser, here in Irondequoit. And it dawned on me that my bank, my grocery store, my home, my hairdresser, my child's pediatrician, my child's day care, my eye doctor, and now my job are all in the town I live in.

And then I started to think about all the opportunities I have to get out with the world, and I would rather stay home. For example:
going to the movies vs. watching at home = Home
going out to eat vs. take out = Home
shopping at the mall vs. ordering online = Home
going to a crowded amusement park vs. a walk around my neighborhood & reading a good book = Home
going to a friend's house vs. being home with my family = Home
holidays at the family's or at my house = Home

You get the picture. This really hit home (no pun intended) tonight for me though, when we agreed to watch our neighbor (and good friend)'s children when they were at a family wedding. I had to pack my daughter up to go to their house. And granted, it was bedtime. But she had an amazing day today, all giggles and smiles and jumping and climbing. And then she was miserable when we left, she was miserable when we were there, and she was miserable when i finally decided to leave and drive home. And the minute I took her out of the truck and started to walk into the house, she stopped crying and calmed right down. She knew she was home.

So, this begs the question.... is this getting to be a little bit of agoraphobia or am I just being overly sensitive?

Monday, March 23, 2009


I recently read an article about how stay at home moms and new moms are becoming addicted to the Internet, mostly because it is their link to the world outside of the house. I can totally see this. But what is more interesting is that psychiatrists are considering this to be a diagnosable mental illness. I wonder how many people I know would be diagnosed besides myself....

(and yes, Parenting magazine has become my periodical of choice these days.)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

so unprofessional

I am so unprofessional. Really. I had a job interview scheduled for this morning at 11:45. Then yesterday, i got a call for an interview at 1:00 for the job I actually want. So, I called and rescheduled the first one for Wednesday. I feel pretty stupid about it, but at the same time, I want the other job more. Of course, it reminds me of the bad resume I saw recently on a friend's site ( and how unprofessional people are. I have to admit, if I was the hiring manager, i would think twice about hiring me.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Martha's gone ghetto

Since day time talk show hosts have become my new best friends, I have noticed a thing or two.

First - it appears that a good majority of the shows are Harpo productions - meaning Oprah Winfrey. She has seriously cornered the market....
Secondly, Martha Stewart. I wont lie, I have always been a fan of Martha. Love her or hate her, the woman can cook and craft. However, recently, I have noticed that her show has gone a bit ghetto. She had Keenan Thompson from SNL on yesterday, today she has on the rapper Q Tip, a few weeks ago she had on Snoop Dogg and also Ludacris. I think Diddy may have been around there too.
Something is wrong with day time television when Keenan Thompson is stamping fish on tshirts and Ludacris is failing at making origami while she makes fun of them. Something is just not right.

Monday, March 2, 2009

be careful what you wish for

so all I wanted was to stay home with my baby girl when I was faced with returning to work. Since being laid off (you know, the other day...) all I can think about is getting another job. Apparently there is no way to be satisfied.
In truth, i haven't even looked at our budget to see if I could stay home. I suppose it would be entirely possible with cutting back, but would I really want to just pay the bills only? I suppose I like the ability to buy things when I want them. Not that I am a gigantic spender by any means, but I like to not be broke all the time.
I have applied for 11 jobs since being laid off on Thursday. Now, whether or not I get a call is another story. We shall see.