Thursday, June 12, 2008

break in

last night, our car was broken into in our driveway. Surprisingly, nothing was damaged and nothing was taken.

But, it still happened. My husband got home around 5:30 and I got home around 6:45. That evening, we watched a movie and when we finished my husband decided to take the movie to the post office. He went out to the car and the dome light was on and the passenger door was wide open.

Now, as I have discussed before, I cant even express the level of obsession my husband has with making sure doors are locked. In the car, if we get out, and lock the doors, he will still ask if I locked them, and go around and double check. This is a regular occurrence. And, in addition to lock down, nothing ever gets left in the car for this very reason.

Anyway, the door was locked, there was no question. Plus it was the passenger door, and it was his car that I never use.

So we called the police, and I was less than satisfied with our interaction. The officer came to the house, and while talking with my husband, stood in the driveway smoking a cigarette. Now, smoking isn't my favorite thing, but I don't condemn people for that choice. However, if you are on duty, then the professional thing to do is wait to light up. Then, he proceeded to insist that my husband left the door open. To which my husband said, "I have been home for more than 4 hours, the dome light would have burned the battery out". No. He would not believe it. And he then continued to give my husband a hard time about the dome light, saying that it would have turned off in 10 minutes. My husband reminded him that it was an 11 year old car, it didn't go out on its own. And if we used the officer's logic about the dome light, then the break in would have happened in the 10 minutes prior to calling, therefor confirming that my husband didn't leave the door open 4 hours earlier. He refused to make a police report. And said "we'll keep the neighborhood on special watch". Yeah right.

Needless to say, I was irritated with the interaction but glad nothing happened to the car and nothing was missing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so scary! i was broken into before and didn't make out as well, but found my treatment to be equally horrendous. i had about $800 worth of stuff stolen and they didn't even come to my house! they took a statement over the phone and that was it. so violating. and it's not like you live on some obscure cul-de-sac.. your house is right out in the open. what is up with that?